Galley: 1) the kitchen of a boat. Sally: 1) a venture off the beaten path, 2) a military action in which besieged troops burst forth from their position, 3) a witty remark.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Delish Vegetarian Wraps

Yesterday I headed to the grocery store with no idea of what I would make for dinner. I'm battling a head cold, so didn't want to tackle anything too complex (my thoughts feel a little loopy). As I headed into the store, I spotted a rack of food magazine covers. Aha! All covers were beautiful, several were intimidating, and one was perfect: Veggie wraps. I took a quick peek at the ingredient list, and decided to wing it from there.

Wraps have often been a standby for us, but too often they have been simply unadorned beans and cheese.  These ones are different, and really yummy.

Delish Vegetarian Wraps

You will need:

1 package multi-grain tortillas
1 package vegetarian taco filling (I used the Fantastic Foods brand)
1 can kidney beans
2 tomatoes
1 carrot
4 mushrooms
1/2 onion
1 red/green/yellow bell pepper
couple handfuls mixed greens or spinach
1-2 T. olive oil for pan
grated cheddar cheese (as much or little as you want)
Salsa Verde for topping

1) If you have an oven, begin warming your tortillas according to package directions. If you don't have an oven, you will warm them at the end. Now, prepare your veggies! Dice the tomatoes and grate the carrot, then set aside in a small bowl. Slice the onion thin, 1/4 or 1/8 the mushrooms depending on size, and slice the bell pepper thin.

2) Saute the onion in olive oil over medium low heat. When transparent, add mushrooms. When mushrooms begin to soften, add bell peppers. Stir occasionally. Remove from heat while mushrooms and pepper are still slightly firm, cover.

3) While veggies are sauteing grate the cheddar cheese and set aside in small bowl.

4) Prepare the taco filling according to package directions.  While it is simmering, add one can drained kidney beans. When done, remove from heat but cover to keep warm.

5) You're ready to assemble! Warm tortillas one at a time in a large skillet on the stove top, or as you are able. I used a piece of foil laid over the cooking surface of our Dickinson Lofoten. It worked fabulously. Onto warm tortilla, layer first the taco filling/bean mix, then grated cheese, then veggie saute, then mixed greens, tomatoes, carrots and salsa. Wrap it up if you can (or get a fork), and enjoy!

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